by Bea
Today is today
not yesterday
not tomorrow
Today take the time to elevate the vibration (positive energy) in
our homes
our world
our universe
Today become conscience and integrate the words
I choose love
I choose joy
I choose peace
I choose harmony
Today create unity consciousness knowing that if
I choose love = I love me
I choose joy = I love you
I choose peace = I love the world
I choose harmony = Everything around me is love
Today start a permanent trend by
Feeling love in our hearts
Experiencing joy in our lives
Promoting peace by our actions
Expanding harmony in the world by example
Today stop
Look in a mirror
Look in your eyes
Look in your heart
Look within for answers
Feel compassion for the image
Discover forgiveness in your eyes
Embody unconditional love in your heart
Sense the peace awakened within
Today radiate
Unconditional love
Inner peace
to every soul that stands before you!
Today you have become aware of the magnificent being that is you!
We are Source experiencing physicality and unconditional love is the ultimate state of being.
Creation is Creativity
Evolution is the implementation of creation